
Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Installation
  3. Alternative Installation
  4. Set-up
  5. Alternative set-up
  6. Using maelstrom (core functions)
  7. Extra functions
  8. Output and functionality of maelstrom functions
  9. Function compatibility notes
  10. License
  11. Contact


maelstrom is a library for PROS. Made to access data and information in cases where the robot can’t be connected to a computer and so that data can be accessed at a later time, even when the program is terminated. Developed by Gaston from V5RC Team 6104G Tempest

Installing maelstrom library

  1. In the integrated PROS terminal, run the command pros c add-depot maelstrom

  2. cd into your pros project

  3. Make sure you are in the kernel version 4.1.0, your version can be found out with pros c info-project

  4. Apply the library to the project with pros c apply maelstrom

  5. Put #include "maelstrom/api.hpp" in your main.h

Alternative instructions for installing maelstrom library

  1. To get the library/template, head over to the releases page and download

  2. Move the zip file to the pros project

  3. Make sure you are in the kernel version 4.1.0, your version can be found out with pros c info-project

  4. Run pros c fetch maelstrom@<version>.zip in order to import the template

  5. Apply the library to the project with pros c apply maelstrom

  6. Put #include "maelstrom/api.hpp" in your main.h


  1. From this Github repository download the folder called logs

  2. Put that folder in the root of the SD Card

Alternative set-up

  1. In the root of the SD Card make a folder called logs

  2. In the folder logs make a file called run_nums.txt

  3. On the first line of run_nums.txt write R0

Using maelstrom (core functions)

  1. In initialize() in main.cpp call init():
       init(bool run_error_log, bool run_data_log, std::vector<int> left_motor_ports, std::vector<int> right_motor_ports, int battery_threshold);
    • ‘bool run_error_log’ is used if you want to create a file to log errors
    • ‘bool run_data_log’ is used if you want to create a file to log data such as coordinates
    • std::vector<int> left_motor_ports`` is for inputting the ports of your left motors in the form of a std::vector
    • std::vector<int> right_motor_ports` is for inputting the ports of your right motors in the form of a std::vector
    • int battery_threshold is for inputting at what battery level do you want to be warned about
    • Here is an example:
        std::vector<int> left_motors = {1, -2, 3};
        std::vector<int> right_motors = {-4, 5, -6};
        maelstrom::logging::init(true, true, left_motors, right_motors, 50);
  2. In initialize() use this code to run the error logger in background of autonomous and driver control.
       pros::Task error_logger(maelstrom::logging::robot_faults_log);
  3. In opcontrol() and before the while (true) loop put this line of code that in the background writes to the data log file the current coordinates of the robot:
       pros::Task coords_logging(maelstrom::logging::robot_coords_log);
  4. In opcontrol() but inside the while (true) loop call this function that updates the coordinates that maelstrom::logging::robot_coords_log() uses
       void set_robot_coords(double x, double y, double theta);
    • Change double x, double y, and double theta, for variables of the double type that hold those respective coordinates. For example:
         maelstrom::logging::set_robot_coords(x_pos, y_pos, theta_heading);

Extra functions

  1. In any function you can use maelstrom::logging::write_to_file(std::string message, log_file file); this function can be used to write a message to either the log or error file
    • The std::string will be the message and the log_file will be used to specify which file to write to, use E_ERROR_LOG to write to the error log file and E_DATA_LOG to write to the data log file.
    • This example will write the message Good Luck to the data log file:
           maelstrom::logging::write_to_file("Good Luck", maelstrom::logging::E_DATA_LOG);
  2. In any function you can use task_complete(std::string task_name, bool completion); to write to the error log file if a task was completed or not
    • It takes an std::string for the task name and a boolean to see if a task was completed or not
    • ex.)
           maelstrom::logging::task_complete("Auton", auton_complete);

      would write Auton Complete to the error log file if auton_complete was true, and Auton Incomplete if auton_complete was false

  3. In any function battery(int battery_threshold); can be used to see if the battery percentage is lower than an int threshold. This funtion is used in robot_faults_log() to logto the error log file if the battery is too low but can also be used seperately
    • In the example below it will return true if the battery percentage is above 50% and returns false if the battery percentage is less than or equal to 50%
  4. motor_connected(int port); can be used to get if a motor is disconnected at a port specified by int port. It will return true if the motor is connected and false if the motor is disconnected. This funtion is used in robot_faults_log() to log to the error log file if a drive motor is disconnected but can also be used seperately
    • The example below checks if the motor at port 20 is connected
  5. get_current_date_time(); returns the time since the program began in a std::string in the format minutes:seconds:milliseconds for example 1:50:55

Output and functionality of maelstrom functions

  1. init():
    • Program Started:
      • Whenever the program starts this will appear as a header in both the error and data logfile
      • It returns an array of 2 bools. The first bool being if the error logfile was succesfully created and the second bool is if the data logfile was succesfully created.

    * PROS Brain Terminal Error Messages: * When the program starts there are three error message that could appear in the Brain terminal, “Somethings is wrong with run_nums.txt”, where something is wrong with the file, often caused if the SD Card isn’t plugged in or thi file doesn’t exist. There is also, “Somethings is wrong with error_logfile”, which appears when the error logfile couldn’t be created. Lastly there is, “Somethings is wrong with data_logfile” where the data logfile couldn’t be created. If any of these error happen it will appear in the Brain Terminal and return false to the init function, so undefined behavior doesn’t happen from later functions trying to access these files.

  2. robot_faults_log():
    • Auton Started:
    • When the controller enters autonomous mode this message will display on the error logfile, along with a timestamp in the format minute:second:millisecond

Function compatibility notes

  1. Every function except for maelstrom::logging::motor_connected(), maelstrom::logging::get_current_date_time(), maelstrom::logging::battery(), and maelstrom::logging::set_robot_coords() needs the function maelstrom::logging::init() to have been called

  2. maelstrom::logging::robot_coords_log() needs maelstrom::logging::set_robot_coords() to update the coordinates or maelstrom::logging::robot_coords_log() will always log the coordinates as NaN



You can contact me through Discord if any issues arise, I am Gaston | 6104G on many VEX Discord Servers.